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"Every child would read if it were in his power to do so." (Betts, 1936)
Our company is founded on the principle that children have the right to read in order to improve their quality of life. We are dedicated in providing the highest quality of treatment for our clients to ensure that each child becomes literate for a lifetime.
The Literacy Corner provides expert treatment and diagnostic services for language based learning impairments. The acquisition of spoken language (listening and speaking) and written language (reading and writing) are essential for successful literacy development. A child's literacy skills are the underlying foundation for successful learning and we are uniquely qualified to understand both language and learning. We specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of dyslexia. Dyslexia is a neurological based learning impairment which interferes with the acquisition and processing of language. Dyslexia is manifested by difficulties in receptive and expressive language, including phonological processing in reading, spelling, writing, handwriting, and sometimes in math. Children and adults with dyslexia typically fail to master the basic elements of the language system of their culture despite traditional classroom instruction. Since language is the necessary tool upon subsequent academic learning is based, people with dyslexia often encounter difficulty in all educational endeavors.
Please read more about our treatment services or call for a free consultation.
Learning to read, spell, and write proficiently are complex linguistic skills. Unlike the development of spoken language, which develops naturally for most children, written language skills do not develop naturally and must be taught. However, for many children, even though they have received the same instruction that benefits most children, reading continues to be a painfully arduous task. Dyslexia is the most common cause of reading difficulties and affects 15 to 20 percent of the population and may range from mild to severe. Dyslexia is not curable but is treatable with appropriate intervention.
We only use research- evidence based practices for the treatment of dyslexia. We provide individualized 1:1 language based multisensory treatment which is designed to meet the client's strengths and weaknesses. Our treatment is intensive, direct, and systematic in which skills continue to be weaved throughout the intervention process. Since previously learned material is constantly reviewed and new material is introduced systematically, the child experiences a high degree of success in every lesson and gains confidence as well. With treatment, the focus is not on an academic subject but rather on the underlying language processing skills necessary to achieve academic success. The ultimate goal of treatment is to ensure that each client has developed the underlying skills necessary to become successful during literate activities across various settings.
We also dedicate ourselves in educating the community about dyslexia and its appropriate treatment in hopes to eliminate the social, emotional, and academic ramifications and challenges that are experienced by many struggling readers. The mind-shame or emotional impact felt by children with dyslexia is just as problematic as the dyslexia itself. We are committed to regain each child's love and excitement of learning which may have been crushed through repeated academic failure.
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